=== Sitemap ===
Contributors: webvitaly
Donate link: http://web-profile.com.ua/donate/
Tags: page, page-list, pagelist, sitemap, subpages, siblings
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 4.3
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
[pagelist], [subpages], [siblings] and [pagelist_ext] shortcodes
== Description ==
**Code moved to [Page-list plugin](http://wordpress.org/plugins/page-list/)** Please, delete Sitemap plugin and install [Page-list plugin](http://wordpress.org/plugins/page-list/ "List of pages") instead. Don't be afraid, the functionality of these plugins is the same.
> **[WordPress Pro plugins](http://codecanyon.net/popular_item/by_category?category=wordpress&ref=webvitaly)** |
> **[Page-list](http://web-profile.com.ua/wordpress/plugins/page-list/ "Plugin page")** |
> **[all Page-list params](http://wordpress.org/plugins/page-list/other_notes/)** |
> **[Donate](http://web-profile.com.ua/donate/ "Support the development")**
= shortcodes: =
* **[pagelist]** - hierarchical tree of all pages on site (useful to show sitemap of the site);
* **[subpages]** - hierarchical tree of subpages to the current page;
* **[siblings]** - hierarchical tree of sibling pages to the current page;
* **[pagelist_ext]** - list of pages with featured image and with excerpt;
= examples with aditional parameters: =
* `[pagelist child_of="4" depth="2" exclude="6,7,8"]`
* `[pagelist_ext child_of="4" exclude="6,7,8" image_width="50" image_height="50"]`
* **[all Page-list params](http://wordpress.org/plugins/page-list/other_notes/)**
= Useful: =
* ["Anti-spam" - block spam in comments](http://wordpress.org/plugins/anti-spam/ "no spam, no captcha")
* ["Iframe" - embed iframe with shortcode](http://wordpress.org/plugins/iframe/ "embed iframe")
* [WordPress Pro plugins](http://codecanyon.net/popular_item/by_category?category=wordpress&ref=webvitaly)
== Other Notes ==
= Parameters for [pagelist], [subpages] and [siblings]: =
* **[pagelist]** - by default shows list of all pages as the hierarchical list;
* **[subpages]** - by default shows list of subpages to the current page as the hierarchical list;
* **[siblings]** - by default shows list of sibling pages to the current page as the hierarchical list;
* **depth** - means how many levels in the hierarchy of pages are to be included in the list, by default depth is unlimited (depth=0), but you can specify it like this: `[pagelist depth="3"]`; If you want to show flat list of pages (not hierarchical tree) you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist depth="-1"]`;
* **child_of** - if you want to show subpages of the specific page you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist child_of="4"]` where `4` is the ID of the specific page; If you want to show subpages of the current page you can use this shortcodes: `[subpages]` or `[pagelist child_of="current"]` or `[pagelist child_of="this"]`; If you want to show sibling pages of the current page you can use this shortcodes: `[siblings]` or `[pagelist child_of="parent"]`;
* **exclude** - if you want to exclude some pages from the list you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist exclude="6,7,8"]` where `exclude` parameter accepts comma-separated list of Page IDs; You may exclude current page with this shortcode: `[pagelist exclude="current"]`;
* **exclude_tree** - if you want to exclude the tree of pages from the list you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist exclude_tree="7,10"]` where `exclude_tree` parameter accepts comma-separated list of Page IDs (all this pages and their subpages will be excluded);
* **include** - if you want to include certain pages into the list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist include="6,7,8"]` where `include` parameter accepts comma-separated list of Page IDs;
* **title_li** - if you want to specify the title of the list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist title_li="
List of pages
"]`; by default there is no title (title_li="");
* **number** - if you want to specify the number of pages to be included into list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist number="10"]`; by default the number is unlimited (number="");
* **offset** - if you want to pass over (or displace) some pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist offset="5"]`; by default there is no offset (offset="");
* **meta_key** - if you want to include the pages that have this Custom Field Key you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist meta_key="metakey" meta_value="metaval"]`;
* **show_date** - if you want to show the date of the page you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist show_date="created"]`; you can use this values for `show_date` parameter: created, modified, updated;
* **menu_order** - if you want to specify the column by what to sort you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist sort_column="menu_order"]`; by default order columns are `menu_order` and `post_title` (sort_column="menu_order, post_title"); you can use this values for `sort_column` parameter: post_title, menu_order, post_date (sort by creation time), post_modified (sort by last modified time), ID, post_author (sort by the page author's numeric ID), post_name (sort by page slug);
* **sort_order** - if you want to change the sort order of the list of pages (either ascending or descending) you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist sort_order="desc"]`; by default sort_order is `asc` (sort_order="asc"); you can use this values for `sort_order` parameter: asc, desc;
* **link_before** - if you want to specify the text or html that precedes the link text inside the link tag you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist link_before=""]`; you may specify html tags only in the `HTML` tab in your Rich-text editor;
* **link_after** - if you want to specify the text or html that follows the link text inside the link tag you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist link_after=""]`; you may specify html tags only in the `HTML` tab in your Rich-text editor;
* **class** - if you want to specify the CSS class for list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist class="listclass"]`; by default the class is empty (class="");
= Parameters for [pagelist_ext]: =
* **[pagelist_ext]** - by default shows list of subpages to current page; but if there is no subpages than all pages will be shown;
* **show_image** - show or hide featured image `[pagelist_ext show_image="0"]`; "show_image" have higher priority than "show_first_image"; by default: show_image="1";
* **show_first_image** - show or hide first image from content if there is no featured image `[pagelist_ext show_first_image="1"]`; by default: show_first_image="0";
* **show_title** - show or hide title `[pagelist_ext show_title="0"]`; by default: show_title="1";
* **show_content** - show or hide content `[pagelist_ext show_content="0"]`; by default: show_content="1";
* **more_tag** - if you want to output all content before and after more tag use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext more_tag="0"]`; this parameter does not add "more-link" to the end of content, it just cut content before more-tag; "more_tag" parameter have higher priority than "limit_content"; by default the more_tag is enabled (more_tag="1") and showing only content before more tag;
* **limit_content** - content is limited by "more-tag" if it is exist or by "limit_content" parameter `[pagelist_ext limit_content="100"]`; by default: limit_content="250";
* **image_width** - width of the image `[pagelist_ext image_width="80"]`; by default: image_width="50";
* **image_height** - height of the image `[pagelist_ext image_height="80"]`; by default: image_height="50";
* **child_of** - if you want to show subpages of the specific page you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext child_of="4"]` where `4` is the ID of the specific page; by default it shows subpages to the current page;
* **parent** - if you want to show subpages of the specific page only you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext parent="4"]` where `4` is the ID of the specific page and the depth will be only one level; by default parent="-1" and depth is unlimited;
* **sort_order** - if you want to change the sort order of the list of pages (either ascending or descending) you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext sort_order="desc"]`; by default: sort_order="asc"; you can use this values for `sort_order` parameter: asc, desc;
* **sort_column** - if you want to specify the column by what to sort you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext sort_column="menu_order"]`; by default order columns are `sort_column` and `post_title` (sort_column="menu_order, post_title"); you can use this values for `sort_column` parameter: post_title, menu_order, post_date (sort by creation time), post_modified (sort by last modified time), ID, post_author (sort by the page author's numeric ID), post_name (sort by page slug);
* **hierarchical** - display subpages below their parent page `[pagelist_ext hierarchical="0"]`; by default: hierarchical="1";
* **exclude** - if you want to exclude some pages from the list you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext exclude="6,7,8"]` where `exclude` parameter accepts comma-separated list of Page IDs;
* **exclude_tree** - if you want to exclude the tree of pages from the list you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext exclude_tree="7,10"]` where `exclude_tree` parameter accepts comma-separated list of Page IDs (all this pages and their subpages will be excluded);
* **include** - if you want to include certain pages into the list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext include="6,7,8"]` where `include` parameter accepts comma-separated list of Page IDs;
* **meta_key** - if you want to include the pages that have this Custom Field Key you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext meta_key="metakey" meta_value="metaval"]`;
* **authors** - only include the pages written by the given author(s) `[pagelist_ext authors="6,7,8"]`;
* **number** - if you want to specify the number of pages to be included into list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext number="10"]`; by default the number is unlimited (number="");
* **offset** - if you want to pass over (or displace) some pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext offset="5"]`; by default there is no offset (offset="");
* **post_type** - `[pagelist_ext post_type="page"]`;
* **post_status** - `[pagelist_ext post_status="publish"]`;
* **class** - if you want to specify the CSS class for list of pages you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext class="listclass"]`; by default the class is empty (class="");
* **strip_tags** - if you want to output the content with tags use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext strip_tags="0"]`; by default the strip_tags is enabled (strip_tags="1");
* **strip_shortcodes** - if you want to output the content with shortcode use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext strip_shortcodes="0"]`; by default the strip_shortcodes is enabled (strip_shortcodes="1") and all registered shortcodes are removed;
* **show_child_count** - if you want to show child count you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext show_child_count="1"]`; by default the child_count is disabled (show_child_count="0"); If show_child_count="1", but count of subpages=0, than child count is not showing;
* **child_count_template** - if you want to specify the template of child_count you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext show_child_count="1" child_count_template="Subpages: %child_count%"]`; by default child_count_template="Subpages: %child_count%";
* **show_meta_key** - if you want to show meta key you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext show_meta_key="your_meta_key"]`; by default the show_meta_key is empty (show_meta_key=""); If show_meta_key is enabled, but meta_value is empty, than meta_key is not showing;
* **meta_template** - if you want to specify the template of meta you can use this shortcode: `[pagelist_ext show_meta_key="your_meta_key" meta_template="Meta: %meta%"]`; by default meta_template="%meta%";
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How to show the list of posts? =
To show list of posts you can use [List Category Posts](http://wordpress.org/plugins/list-category-posts/) plugin.
= On what functions shortcodes are based? =
Shortcodes [pagelist], [subpages], [siblings] are based on [wp_list_pages('title_li=')](http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_list_pages) function.
Shortcode [pagelist_ext] is based on [get_pages()](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_pages) function.
= What is the difference between [pagelist], [subpages] and [siblings]? =
Shortcodes [pagelist], [subpages] and [siblings] accept the same parameters. The only difference is that [subpages] and [siblings] not accept `child_of` parameter, because [subpages] shows subpages to the current page and [siblings] shows subpages to the parent page.
= How to create sitemap.xml? =
To create sitemap.xml you can use [Google XML Sitemaps](http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/) plugin.
= Is there "more-link" feature in the plugin? =
No, there is no "more-link" feature in the plugin. Because "[more-link](http://web-profile.com.ua/web/web-principles/more-link/)":
* **bad for SEO.** Nobody will search your site with the word "more". "rel=nofollow" will not solve it too.
* **bad for usability.** There is already link on title and "more-link" is an extra no needed element on page. If user cannot understand that the title is the link, than there is a problem in css styles and not in plugin's templates.
= What to do if you need to change the plugin's code? =
When you changed the plugin's code you should also change the plugin's version to '100' (for example) to avoid updates, which could override and delete your code.
== Screenshots ==
1. [pagelist] shortcode
2. [pagelist_ext] shortcode
== Changelog ==
= 4.3 - 2015.01.15 =
* use wp_enqueue_scripts hook instead of wp_print_styles to enqueue scripts and styles (thanks to sireneweb)
= 4.2 - 2013.02.16 =
* fix in css styles (clearfix added to .page-list-ext)
* make default image size 150x150 like default thumbnail size
= 4.1 - 2013.01.27 =
* change the type of output the image thumbnail in [pagelist_ext] shortcode
= 4.0 - 2012.10.30 =
* remove conflict between Pagelist and Sitemap plugins
* remove preg_match_all notice
* minor changes
= 3.8 =
* fixed default [pagelist_ext] behaviour - showing all pages if there is no subpages
= 3.7 =
* executing shortcodes in [pagelist_ext strip_shortcodes="0"] in content
= 3.6 =
* fixing bug with shortcode in sidebar - shortcode in comment start to execute
= 3.5 =
* showing all pages for [pagelist_ext child_of="0"] shortcode
= 3.4 =
* remove esc_attr() from title in [pagelist_ext] shortcode
= 3.3 =
* rename "get_first_image" function to "page_list_get_first_image" for avoiding conflicts
= 3.2 =
* fixed bug with "more_tag" and non english chars
= 3.1 =
* fixed bug with empty image in "show_first_image" parameter
* added "more_tag" higher priority than "limit_content" (thanks to BobyDimitrov)
= 3.0 =
* added "show_first_image" parameter for showing first image from content if there is no featured image
= 2.9 =
* added "more_tag" parameter and more tag support
* hiding password protected content of the pages
= 2.8 =
* added "strip_shortcodes" parameter
= 2.7 =
* make excerpt link if there is no title
= 2.6 =
* fixed [pagelist_ext] "parent" parameter
= 2.5 =
* adding spaces between lines when tags are stripped in [pagelist_ext]
= 2.4 =
* escaping attributes in title in [pagelist_ext]
= 2.3 =
* fixed [pagelist_ext] with showing excerpt of the page if it is not empty, else showing content
= 2.2 =
* fixed offset parameter
= 2.1 =
* fixed number parameter
= 2.0 =
* fixed crash bug with [pagelist_ext] if theme does not have thumbnail feature
= 1.9 =
* added show_child_count parameter
* added show_meta_key parameter
= 1.8 =
* added screenshots
* improved parameter parsing
= 1.7 =
* added strip_tags parameter
= 1.6 =
* improved [pagelist_ext] shortcode: added content to list, added toggle show and limit content parameters
= 1.5 =
* added [pagelist_ext] shortcode - list of pages with featured image
= 1.4 =
* added exclude="current" parameter
= 1.3.0 =
* added class to ul elements by default
* added "class" option (thanks to Arvind)
= 1.2.0 =
* added [subpages] and [siblings] shortcodes
= 1.0.0 =
* initial release
== Installation ==
1. install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page
2. add shortcodes to pages: `[pagelist]`, `[subpages]`, `[siblings]`, `[pagelist_ext]`